
This page is a guide to the regulations that tree surgeons must work in accordance with, including information relating to 

Tree Preservation Orders (TPO), Conservation Areas and endangered animals/insects. If work is not carried out in line with the following 

legislation, large fines can be imposed and reputations can be tarnished. 

It is important that we, as well as our clients, are made aware and kept up to date with the 

various regulations and legislation as set out below;

Tree Preservation Orders (TPO)  / Conservation Areas

A TPO is created by a Local Planning Authority to protect
specific trees, an area of trees, groups of trees or woodland from unauthorised works. If your tree(s) are protected by a TPO, consent will be required for the works.

If your trees are situated within a Conservation Area,
notice will need to be served to the Local Authority to consider protecting your tree(s) with a TPO.

Treeline Services Ltd will check for any Tree Preservation
Orders or Conservation Area status free of charge prior to any works proceeding and if required, can submit a tree works application on your behalf.

Further information relating to this can be found here.

Planning Conditions

Local Planning Authorities must consider the protection/planting of trees when considering planning permission for a proposed development, and planning conditions are used by LPA’s to secure retention of trees and hedgerows etc. 

As part of our service, Treeline Services Ltd will check for any planning conditions free of charge, however, dependant on the Local Planning Authority, there can sometimes be a charge to find out this information and/or waive any conditions in order for tree work to be undertaken. 

Further information relating to this can be found here.

Neighbours Trees / Hedges

If branches belonging to a neighbouring tree are encroaching
onto the boundary of your property, you are entitled to cut back the branches as set out in the guidance here

However, if the tree is subject to a TPO, existing planning condition or situated within a Conservation Area, permission will be required from the Local Planning Authority.

Animals / Insects

The Wildlife and Countryside Act 1981 provides information relating to the protection of various animals and insects. 

If you believe that any animal is nesting within a tree that requires surgery, we would recommend that you contact us for a free consultation prior to undertaking any work.

Treeline Services Ltd are committed to gaining the appropriate permissions and keeping within the relevant guidelines and legislation. 

If you have any further queries relating to the above information, please do not hesitate to contact us.